Thyroid - Symptoms, Risks

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What is Thyroid?

The thyroid is a small gland, shaped like a butterfly, located in the lower part of your neck. The function of a gland is to secrete hormones. The main hormones released by the thyroid are triiodothyronine, abbreviated as T3, and thyroxine, abbreviated as T4. These thyroid hormones deliver energy to cells of the body.

Types of Thyroid
  1. Hypothyroidism - When the thyroid gland is underactive, improperly formed at birth, surgically removed all or in part, or becomes incapable of producing enough thyroid hormone, a person is said to be hypothyroid. One of the most common causes of hypothyroidism is the autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's disease, in which antibodies gradually target the thyroid and destroy its ability to produce thyroid hormone.Symptoms of hypothyroidism usually go along with a slowdown in metabolism, and can include fatigue, weight gain, and depression, among others.
  2. Hyperthyroidism - When the thyroid gland becomes overactive and produces too much thyroid hormone, a person is said to be hyperthyroid. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is the autoimmune condition known as Graves' disease, where antibodies target the gland and cause it to speed up hormone production.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism (An underactive thyroid)
  1. fatigue,
  2. exhaustionfeeling run down and sluggishdepression
  3. difficulty concentrating,
  4. brain fogunexplained or excessive weight gaindry,
  5. coarse and/or itchy skindry,
  6. coarse and/or thinning hairfeeling cold, especially in the extremitiesconstipation
  7. muscle cramps
  8. increased menstrual flowmore
  9. frequent periods
  10. infertility/miscarriage
Symptoms of Hyperthryodisim (An overactive thyroid)
  1. nervousness
  2. irritability
  3. increased perspiration
  4. thinning of your skin
  5. fine brittle hair
  6. muscular weakness especially involving the upper arms and thighsshaky hands
  7. panic disorder
  8. insomniaracing heart
  9. more frequent bowel movements
  10. weight loss despite a good appetite
  11. lighter flow, less frequent menstrual periods
But these symptoms are only the tip of the iceberg. There are comprehensive lists of detailed symptoms and on account of these basic symptoms it is advisory to consult physician.

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