
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Myopia is commonly known as shortsightedness. A person with myopia is able to see close objects clearly but object s that are further away will appear blurred. In a normal eye, the light rays fall on the inner layer of the eye called retina. However, in a myopic eye, the light rays get focused in front of the retina, resulting in blurred images. This is usually because the eyeball is too long. Spectacles are needed to help focus the light rays onto the retina.

Is myopia common?

It is thought to be partly inherited and partly due to environmental factors.

Who is likely to develop myopia?

It is not well known what causes myopia, but achild is more likely to develop myopia if he/she:
  • has one or both parents who suffer from myopia.
  • is constantly involved in ner work.
What is near work?

This term is used to describe visual activities at close diastance, or when a person looks at or needs to focus on fine detils of an object.

Examples of near work include:
  • reading
  • writing
  • using a computer
  • drawing or painting
  • playing hand-held or handphone games
  • doing craft work with small objects.
Can myopia be cured?

Currently, there is no cure for myopia. Spectacles or contact lenses can help children see distant objects clearly.

Possible preventive measures for myopia:
  • ensure good lighting when doing near work.
  • take vision breaks of 5-10 minutes after every 30-45 minutes of near work.
  • hold reading or writing material at a minimum of 1 foot away from eyes.
  • sit about 50cm from computer
  • dont read lying down
  • sleep early
  • engage in healthy, daily outdoor activities
  • avoid reading materials with small font or faded prints and more more effort is needed to focus on words, resulting in eyestrain.

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