Be Aware of Common Eye Diseases

Sunday, November 7, 2010

  1. Glaucoma: A group of diseases that damage the optic nerve. Signs may include blurred vision, "halos" around lights, and severe eye pain, but often there are no symptoms until there's permanent damage. Risk factors include abnormally high pressure inside the eyeball, nearsightedness, advanced age and a family history of the condition. Eye tests can detect elevated intraocular pressure, loss of peripheral vision and damge to the optic nerve or nerve-fibre layer of the retina.
  2. Cataracts: Clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye. Signs include blurred or dim vision, night-vision problems, sensitivity to light, and colours appearing faded. Everyone is at risk of developing cataracts, but risk increases with age, family history and exposure to ultraviolet light. An eye exam, involving visual acuity tests, retinal exams and slit lamp tests, is the only way to detect cataracts.
  3. Macular degeneration: This occurs when the tissue in the macula - the part of the retina responsible for central vision - deteriorates and usually develops gradually and painlessly. The exact causes are unknown, but contributing factors include advanced age, smoking, obesity, exposure to sunlight and poor general health. Thorough eye exams can help detect signs.

So keep on eye on these eye problems!!!

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